Category Archives: Nature photography

Autumn sunshine, blackberries and comma butterflies

A fabulous warm autumn day today and I was stuck doing commercial edits! I managed to have 10 minutes with about half a dozen comma butterflies as they basked in the sunshine in between getting boozy on blackberry juice. I only had the X-Pro 1 to hand and couldn’t really get close enough for a...

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Pipistrelle bat

A few static shots of a common pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). I would like to try some flight shots but don’t have a working IR trigger which I reckon would be required for such a small and active mammal. Many years ago, in the days of film, I tried photographing bats in flight with an home...

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House Sparrows and bicycles

I spent a pleasant hour photographing house sparrows interacting with man as they picked up crumbs around our breakfast table outside the motorhome. There were good numbers of adults and juveniles all as bold as brass, feeding from our hands and perching on the bikes propped up at the side. It was nice to capture...

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Curlew on the North York Moors

Another visit to North Yorkshire and the colours are starting to develop really well. Hoping to get some nice red grouse images in the flowering heather but in the meantime, here’s another curlew. A very graceful bird.

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Common Swift photography at the nest

Mission impossible? Almost! I spent a couple of hours trying common swift photography at the nest and it’s a hard task. By the time you think they are going to jump out of the nest and you’ve pressed the shutter, they’ve gone! Now that I know where they are nesting, I will try again next...

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