Category Archives: Birds

Bulgarian Nature photography day 2: Wallcreeper

What a bird! Finally caught up with a species that has eluded me for 20 odd years in at least 5 countries! High in the mountains of northern Bulgaria lies a deep ravine with steep walls on either side of the narrow valley and around 30 feet up on one of the rock faces is...

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Bulgarian Nature Photography day 1: Ring Ouzel

I’m over in Bulgaria photographing birds and other wildlife and while Ive got internet access, I thought I’d post a species a day. Today was the first day which we spent in the mountains above Sophia where the target species were nutcracker and ring ouzel. Very heavy rain hampered the photography as the nutcrakers stayed...

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Little Owl in a quarry

Driving over the moors near Holmfirth, I spotted this little owl (Athene noctua) perched on a quarry face. Judging by the white staining it’s obviously his regular lookout post and more than likely a nest site too. I drove past, set up the 500mm and then cruised back past slowly and eventually stopped and took...

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Jackdaws at the cattle trough

I noticed jackdaws (Corvus monedula) were stealing food from a cattle trough in a field where a few highland cattle were grzing. I managed to park up the car and shoot a few images from the window but the birds became very wary and would fly in and try and grab food without landing. A...

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Avocets and Godwits in the Northwest

The warm sunny April sunshine continued today as Ian and I arrived at Marshide to photograph avocets and black-tailed godwits. Althought the light was hazy, it was still too bright to shoot anything before mid-afternoon, so we headed off to nearby Martin Mere, a Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust reserve to try for some images of...

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