Category Archives: Bird photography

Seckar Heath

Had a walk onto the coal measure heathland between Wakefield & Barnsley to see if I could catch up with a few spring migrants. Although there were singing chiffchaff and my first willow warbler of the year, I didn’t manage to get anything decent. Lots of chaffinch and linnets around too, as well as yellowhammer...

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The hedgerows are full of birdsong at the moment in this very mild spell we’re having. Migrants are arriving daily and the residents have all taken up song, like this dapper yellowhammer belting out his ‘little bit of bread and no cheese’ chorus. Shot from the car in harsh light so only a record shot,...

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Nikon D4 field test: Gigrin Farm, Wales

I took the brand new D4 for its first outing to see what it was capable of and, as always when I test a new camera body, I went along to Gigrin Farm in Wales to photograph red kites because I know that these magnificent birds will be a) plentiful and b) very fast and...

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A day out at Scarborough

Headed off to Scarborough today for a tour of the harbour in search of any divers or grebes that might be present in the area. However, before hitting the harbour, we detoured to the boating lake in the town where we caught up with the most obliging male garganey which was resting in the scruffy,...

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A day out in Lancashire

Another fairly fruitless foray out of the county, this time to Lancashire to try for the obliging bitterns we’d heard so much about. Unfortunately, our luck wasn’t in and although we did see bittern briefly, we were unable to photograph it or the short-eared owls we’d been tipped off about!! Oh, well! We made a...

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