Category Archives: Bird photography

{Yorkshire wildlife photographer}: nuthatch nest building

A dull morning but I thought I ought to make a quick check of the nuthatch nest building in an old woodpecker hole in a large oak tree alongside the River Went. The birds were very busy closing down the hole with mud and leaves but the light mid morning was atrocious for photography, shooting...

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Rook on fencepost

While cleaning out the hard drives, I came across this rook photo which reprocessed and rehashed and now I really like it. Rooks are difficult birds to do as they are so shy and nervous, it’s very difficult to get near them.

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Lapwings in the Yorkshire Dales

The lapwings are well and truly back on their breeding grounds in the Dales just now; their acrobatic display flight and wild calls are a great lift to the spirit. The lapwing, or green plover. is a familiar bird to us but stop and take time to look closely and it is immediately obvious this...

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Long-tailed tits collecting feathers

Back at the long-tailed tit nest today which is now fully completed and in the throws of being lined out by the birds. I watched them bring back feather after feather to line the nest and, of course, I gave them a helping hand and put a few out for them on a convenient bramble...

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Nesting long-tailed tits

A friend sent me an email to say he had found long-tailed tits nest building in a large dog rose bush near where he worked, so this morning I went along for a recce. The light was difficult as the birds are nesting on the south face of the bush and the nest is deep...

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