Author Archives: John

Water Vole in Derbyshire

Water voles are very scarce these days so its always nice to come across one, especially when foraging on the river bank like this little guy. Made famous as ‘Ratty’ in the Wind in the Willows book, the water vole is everything but a rat. A very large vole complete with rounded face and thick...

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Little Owl in a quarry

Driving over the moors near Holmfirth, I spotted this little owl (Athene noctua) perched on a quarry face. Judging by the white staining it’s obviously his regular lookout post and more than likely a nest site too. I drove past, set up the 500mm and then cruised back past slowly and eventually stopped and took...

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Jackdaws at the cattle trough

I noticed jackdaws (Corvus monedula) were stealing food from a cattle trough in a field where a few highland cattle were grzing. I managed to park up the car and shoot a few images from the window but the birds became very wary and would fly in and try and grab food without landing. A...

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Green-winged Orchids

Another beautiful evening so I travelled over to a site near York to shoot some green-winged orchids (Anacamptis morio) growing on the flood plane of the River Derwent. Green-winged orchids are quite scarce and I’ve only ever photographed them once before at a site in Lincolnshire but that was back in the days of film...

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Early Purple Orchids & Germander Speedwell

Tonight I went back to Brockadale with the 24mm f/2.8 PC-E lens to reshoot the cowslip image that I did a dew days ago but most of these little yellow flowers were beginning to go over so, I turned my attentions to other plants. As the sunlight began to fade I shot a few images...

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